3 Sleep Pro 1: 2011

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Monday, May 30, 2011

Sleeping Problem? Find Natural Ways to Get to Sleep Tonight

In today's busy lives, health problems have reached an epidemic level. From poor diet, to lack of exercise, it's no wonder that having a sleeping problem is a common symptom that is associated with many other medical issues. Sleep issues have a variety of causes and a variety of treatments, depending on those causes.
Whether your form is onset insomnia, or trouble falling asleep, or a form that causes you to awake multiple times at night, there are treatments and therapies available to help you get a good night's sleep.

Insomnia can have a boomerang effect. Lack of sleep leads to stress on the body and stress leads to problems falling asleep. While medications can be effective for a sleeping problem for short periods of time, they cause a cycle of addiction that can actually make the sleep problem worse in the long run.

The only exception is sleep issues that are actually caused by an imbalance in the brain, but those are much less common than stress related disorders. If you suspect you have a brain related sleep disorder, it may be helpful to have a sleep study done at a clinic. Onset insomnia is stress related and is the most common sleeping problem. It is characterized by having trouble falling to sleep.

A person may have trouble slowing down their mind long enough to fall asleep. Onset insomnia responds the best to natural treatments. Natural sleep treatments have been around for centuries and modern medicine has proven many to be clinically effective. Chamomile, valerian root and St. John's wort have all been extensively tested and calming effects have been reported.

In treating a stress related sleeping disorder, it is always helpful to try to get to the root of the problem. Anything that reduces stress should help you to sleep better. Many patients report a reduction in their sleeping problem when they add regular exercise to their regime. Because exercise by nature releases endorphins, the body stays in a calming state after a work out is over. Yoga and Pilates have been found to be particularly calming, as trained movements, a quiet environment and breathing are built right into the techniques. Massage is also an amazing way to release stress. Many people are able to gain relief by doing relaxation exercises, which are easily learned and can be done anywhere.

Last, but not least, don't forget to pay attention to your diet! A body that is being fed whole, healthy foods will be in top shape and will automatically be more able to handle the stresses of daily life and any sleeping problem that might be the result. Stress causes or exacerbates many health problems, but luckily, through safe and natural techniques, you can manage your stress and get a good night's sleep.

The Sleep Problems That Will Affect Your Health

Nowadays, many people are having sleep problems night after night. This is especially true for those who are living in hectic city lifestyles. Most of them who are having the problems of sleeping are caused by stress and anxiety, such as some of them may worrying to be awake for the important meeting tomorrow, some of them want to look his or her best in their job interview early tomorrow morning and so on when lying on the bed. Are you one of them who are in living in stress and having some kind of sleeping problems? Therefore, you have to find some ways to cure it in order for you to feel good and normal, and to live your life having a good night sleep every night.

First, you have to identify the causes of sleep problem and believe that you are possible to improve your sleep quality and able to cure it effectively and permanently. Some of the common sleep problems that faced by many adults nowadays are they complaining about lack of sleep, do not feel refreshed after a night sleep and so on. All of those problems of sleeping can be concluded as bad quality of sleep. Many peoples thought sleeping more is good and make you feel refresh after wake up. However, sleeping more is not necessarily good for you because it depends to your sleeps quality and everyone has a different optimum time of sleep. 7 to 8 hours of every night sleeping time are recommended for adults. Better not to sleep more than 10 hours every night because over-sleep has been proven to cause sicknesses and reduce your life-span.
If you want to sleep fewer hours and feel refreshed the next day, then you have to remember that the quality sleep is the key element of it. You can restore your body energy in your mind and body, improve your memories and rejuvenate your bodily functions by having a good quality sleep.

Do you feel groggy after wake up in the morning? If you have those groggy feeling, then you are suffering from some kind of sleeping problems. Tired and tense muscles are a common symptoms that suffered by those peoples who have insomnia. Stress is one of the common causes of nowadays adults sleep problems. You may feel frustrated to find that even you are completely exhausted but you are still unable to drift into sleep and instead you lie awake on the bed. Sometimes, you may easily regain conscious or awake a few times at midnight from sleep because your sleep is light and broken. Most of the insomnia sufferers complained that they cannot relax mentally and physically because of stress.

When come to the bedtime, they have a lot of thoughts come to their mind all of a sudden. You have a good chance to regain your normal sleep cycle if you are have a sleep problem that are not caused by a serious physical and psychological problems. You can take control of your problems of sleeping and become a normal sleeper by using the powerful sleep techniques, such as listening to brain wave entrainment audio that can fine tune your brain wave to lower frequencies in alpha and theta stages, which it can aid sleep.

How to Understand Your Children, Sleep Problems Included

When you are trying to have a heart to heart talk with your children, sleep problems may be the last thing on your minds. Children often sleep in a room far from their parents' room. The adults may have no idea what the child is going through during the night. Since nearly 70% of children suffer from some kind of sleep disorder, it is important to learn about your children, sleep problems included.

For children, sleep problems may be extremely frightening. Almost every child will have nightmares at some time, but for some children it is a nightly occurrence. These scary dreams may be associated with stress in the family, traumatic incidents, or simply a break from the child's normal routine. Talk with your children about nightmares and how you might prevent them.

Sleep talking is rarely a difficulty for children. Sleep problems are not usually so harmless as this habit of speaking out during the night. The worst that usually happens is that the child might wake up another child in the room.
For some children, sleep problems can also be very harmful. Sleepwalking can lead a child to wander into unsafe territory. The child might go outside, or even onto a busy street. The most important thing to understand is that most children sleepwalk when they are sleep deprived. Make sure they get plenty of rest.

Many parents have heard of night terrors, but they do not know much about these children's sleep problems unless they see it for themselves. The child will scream or thrash about in his sleep as if he is extremely frightened. When he awakes, he will not remember it at all. Yet, it can be very upsetting to a roommate. Again, one of the keys to preventing these children's sleep problems is to make sure they get plenty of rest.

You should watch out to see if your child snores. In childhood, it might mean that the adenoids or tonsils are enlarged. You may need to see a doctor for those conditions.

A more destructive form of snoring is obstructive sleep apnea. This results when the airway is blocked and the child pauses in breathing. It can cause sleepiness during the day, or hyperactivity. There might be severe medical consequences if the problem is not resolved through treatment. For these children, sleep problems can be dangerous.

One of the most common of children's sleep problems is insomnia. They have trouble getting to sleep, staying asleep, or they awake long before the morning light. If your child has ongoing insomnia, it is best to contact a physician to see if there is another problem. Otherwise, just keep to a steady sleep schedule and the problem should correct itself.

Parents can address their children's sleep problems head-on by talking to the child and anyone who sleeps in the same room. If that does not help, a baby monitor can be set up, or the parent can sleep in the same room to monitor the children, sleep problems in mind. It is better to understand the problem and do something about it than to let your child suffer alone.

Sleep Problems Among Adolescents

A great many teenagers do not get anything like the amount of proper regular sleep the need. Not having enough sleep on a regular basis can lead to a sleep deficit, which can create emotional problems and also the inability to be able to concentration on their work and studies.

Sleep problems among adolescents are much more common in comparison to adults and younger children because of several reasons. Some doctors will tell you that a teenager's biological clock alters during adolescence, which makes it more difficult for teenager's to fall asleep and wake up early and refreshed the next morning. The changes to a teenager's body are created by the brain hormone called "melatonin" that is produced by a teenager later at night in adolescents, this makes it difficult teens to sleep properly. This sleep disorder is known as "delayed sleep phase syndrome", which affects very many teens. Other causes of sleep problems among adolescents include stress, drugs, physical discomforts or poor sleeping environment.

5 sleep problems that are disruptive to your teenager's sleep patterns:
Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD) this happens when your leg and arm movements disturbs sleep, making your teenager's bad tempered and tired from lack of sleep. With this complaint, the teenager is unaware that they are moving their arms or legs whilst sleeping.

Restless Leg Syndrome or (RLS) is in some ways similar to condition PLMD, the few differences being the feeling of burning, itching, and tingling in the legs. To help this sleep disorder the sufferer needs to move the arms and legs quite vigorously. Although the medical profession now has medication that can help RLS and PLMD.

Sleep apnea is a sleep problem that is also quite common. A person with this disorder stops breathing suddenly whilst asleep. Sleep apnea is caused by/c swollen adenoids/c enlarged tonsils/c and obesity/c although there are more causes as well. If your teen is suffering from this sleep problem/c they will find it hard to breath/c snore.

Teenager's do not often experience nightmares, however, when they do, these nightmares can definitely disturb a teen's sleep. Insomnia, stress, anxiety and other emotional issues, drugs, alcohol, medication and lack of sleep can cause nightmares. A counselor, doctor, or therapist, help to treat frequent nightmares.
Adolescents don't often suffer from sleepwalking. this can be caused by a fever or even lack of sleep. Also, these types of sleep problems can often run in your family, and if this is the case, try not to worry because sleepwalking is not harmful. All you have to do is help the sleepwalker back to bed.

With the correct medicine and help from the medical profession, sleep problems among adolescents can be treated. However, you should get help right away if the the problems continue for any length of time.

Baby Sleep Problems Information

Baby sleep problems are more common than people realize, especially in the first few months after pregnancy. A great way to deal with your child's sleep problems is create a positive mental and emotional attitude around sleeping at night. Sleeping is an habit that you can't force your baby to do, and in fact, by doing so you will just create more problems. Also remember your child will need your guidance through any problems they may have in the first 6 months or so.

Its good to be aware that baby sleep problems can be caused by lots of other conditions and problems, such as illness, blocked nose, soiled nappy, pain, hunger or thirst, environmental factors like noise and many other causes. Because your baby is not able to communicate verbally, you will have to be alert and on the ball, so that you can provide them with proper treatment straight away.
Baby's sleep patterns stages:

During the first three or four months after your pregnancy, a baby requires approximately 15 hours sleep in every 24hrs. Baby sleep problems often happen during this period because your newborn will only stay asleep for about 4 hours at a time, which is normal. This means you should not expect to have uninterrupted sleep for the first 3 to 4 months and take this time to keep a eye on your baby in case of possible health problems developing.

Also be aware that baby sleep problems and uninterrupted sleep for parents may last for up to 6 months or more; however this can also vary from one baby to an other. Although, you can always help your child with these baby sleep problems by having a bedtime routine that you and your baby follow from the start.

It is very important to make sure your baby gets the right amount of sleep, because if you don't you will not be able to rest either. Knowing and having the awareness on how to deal with your baby sleeping problems is a very important part of of being a parent. The resistance of the baby to actually going to sleep is probably one of the most common problems. So you need to be aware of when your child is getting tired and ready to sleep. Some sure signs of this is when they pull their ears and rub their eyes, so be sure not to miss this, or you may have a sleepless night yourself.

It is important to understand your baby's sleep patterns to get him or her to bed when they are sleepy. Once you have mastered these, you will know instinctively when to put him or her to bed and therefore avoiding any unnecessary baby sleep problems. Lots of parents just don't teach their baby about the difference between day and night. This is an important step in developing a proper bedtime routine that needs to be introduced as soon as possible after the pregnancy.

Baby sleep problems will hopefully not trouble both the baby and parents for a long time. By having an understanding of the the sleep patterns of your baby, and teaching them a bed time and allowing them to sleep on their own, this will take care of your child's sleep problems and they will sleep ok every night.

How to Deal with Your Baby's Sleeping Problems

Many people would attest how rewarding parenthood can be, but these same people would also say how difficult it is to take care of a baby. Perhaps the most difficult part of having baby is sleep - the baby's and yours as well. It is thus important to know how to deal with baby's sleeping problems so that you can keep your sanity throughout your child's babyhood.
Here are some tips on how to deal with your baby's sleeping problems:

1. One way to deal with your baby's sleeping problems is encourage a positive attitude toward sleeping at night - sleeping is an ordeal that cannot be forced into your baby, and in fact, forcing can just create more problems. The most that you can do is to stage a situation that is secure enough for your baby to be taken over by sleep. You should have a long-term goal in mind and that is to encourage your baby to have a positive attitude toward sleeping by instilling that sleep is something good to do, and not something that one has to do out of coercion or fatigue.

2. Help your baby get used to several sleep associations instead of just one; this will help you deal with your baby's sleeping problems. There are different cues for your baby to sleep, it may be a song you sing, cradling, rocking, the blanket or whatever thing or activity that accompanies sleeping. It may not be a good idea if there is only one thing that your baby associates with sleep - what will happen if that is absent (e.g. you cannot sing for a night, you had to wash the blanket)? The baby should be able to sleep without being dependent on one stimulus.

3. Another way to deal with your baby's sleeping problems is keep the baby calm during the day - some people recommend tiring the baby during the day so that he or she would sleep throughout the night. This can actually be counterproductive. Being calm and secure during the day helps the baby keep calm at night as well. If your baby is restless at night, make a list of situations that could have made him or her unsettled during the day. Try to eliminate these things and observe if things would improve during sleeping time.

4. Keep startling sounds away - you do not really need to make the nursery sound proof since you baby can actually block out noise. However, sudden episodes of sound can be very startling even if they are just squeaks or small squeals. Be sure to have your hinges and joints oiled, put the dog away, turn off the phone ringer when your baby is sleeping so that there would not be any suddenly disturbing noises around to cause baby's sleeping problems.

5. Leave a bit of your self - baby's sleeping problems stem from separation anxiety. You do not really have to be present the entire time your baby sleeps, but you can leave something behind that would remind your little one of you. Record your voice singing your baby's favorite lullaby and have it playing on a loop. Leave a piece of your clothing or a breast pad so that your baby can smell your presence. These things can help keep secure your baby and a big help to resolve baby's sleeping problems.

It is indeed important to keep your baby well-rested; otherwise, you yourself would not be able to rest. Knowing how to deal with your baby's sleeping problems is a very essential part of parenthood.

Issues Regarding Children's Sleep Problems

Every now and again children can suffer from sleep problems. These problems can go from some infrequent not very serious issues to very frequent, quite serious episodes.

What Are Children's Sleep Problems?
Children's sleep problems are basically any type of condition that can prevent a child from sleeping through the night. They can be a varied condition that can come and go or maybe even stick around for months on end. The type of sleep problem that the child will experience will determine how long it could last, it will also determine the types of possible solutions to the problem. Different Types of Children's Sleep Problems

The issue of children's sleep problems is a fairly wide category used to describe a sleep-related disorder. There are lots of different types of sleep problems that affect children. Episodes such as child bed wetting and having bad nightmares can both be termed under the listing of children's sleep problems.
Symptoms of Children's Sleep Problems

Because sleep problems experienced by children is a fairly big category, it is quite hard to pinpoint exactly what the symptoms are and how they relate to the problem, as they will depend on the type of sleep problem which the child is experiencing. To provide an example with the case of bed wetting, the symptoms include wetting the bed during the night and experiencing fear related to doing so. This is just one type of sleep problem and two of the symptoms which go along with it.

Can Children's Sleep Problems Be Treated?
Whenever ones child is experiencing a sleep problem it could be quite alarming to the parents of the child who experiences the condition. But parents can be pleased to note that many of the children's sleep problems experienced are ones that should in time go away on their own. This is normally true when taking into regard bed wetting incidents. For those who wish to get more answers in relation to these conditions, consulting with the child's pediatrician is a good way to gain a better insight. When all is said and done, it is quite important to bear in mind that many of these issues relate to how old the child actually is, and once the child gets out of certain childhood stages the parents may notice that these sleep conditions tend to slowly diminish and finally go away.

Most of children's sleep problems in this day and age are due to the current age of the child. Lots of these sleep problems are short lived and will go away on their own. It is always important to consult with the child's pediatrician in the instance that the parents are worried about the condition or if the condition persists. However, parents may rest easy knowing that sleep problems which affect children usually resolve themselves. Although it can be a bit scary to both child and parent, sleep problems can often be seen as a temporary issue.

Sleeping Problems in the Elderly

Sleeping problems in the elderly may involve a number of factors such as: decreased energy output as a result of retirement,the age of the person, their state of health, and any prescription drugs they may be taking for health problems.
Illness disrupts sleeping patterns in the elderly, and may result in increased awakenings due to physical discomfort caused by: urinary urgency, cramps, angina, chronic obstructive airways disease, and left ventricular failure, these may be only some of the many illnesses which cause sleeping problems in the elderly.
An elderly person may become very anxious about any change in their sleeping pattern, however, it will be necessary to thoroughly investigate the problem, in order to ascertain if this perceived sleeping problem causes dysfunction in their waking activities. If the elderly person has a carer, or lives with family, then the problem may be easier to assess, for what appears to be a problem may only be a normal change in sleeping pattern for the age.

The most frequently occurring sleeping problem in the elderly is sleep latency, the person may spend some hours in bed before sleep occurs. The elderly person may view this as a problem and request sleeping pills, whereas, all that is needed is to teach them how to reorganize their lives to cope with the changes in sleeping patterns they are experiencing.

Reduced energy output as a result of retirement with an increased opportunity to take naps, either as a result of boredom or just plain exhaustion, may contribute to reduced quality of night-time sleep.
The pressure of a normal working day has been taken away, so the energy output is considerably less, while this may be offered as a possible reason for sleep latency, many others factors may be involved.

There may be much confusion about sleep latency, the difficulty may be exaggerated because the person who experiences it may be convinced that unless they have 8 hours of quality sleep, they will become ill. Sometimes it is difficult to convince an elderly person that they no longer require 8 hours of unbroken sleep, but may be better served by a shorter night time sleep supplemented with day time naps.
So how can sleeping problems in the elderly be resolved? Firstly it is necessary to provide a warm comfortable noise free environment, if this is available then the addition of regular exercise, combined with a healthy diet may be all that is needed to resolve the sleeping problem. However, if the previous measures fail to help, many other modalities are available to help the person .
Reflexology is one of these modalities which provides a very gentle and effective aid to sleep , and aromatherapy has proven to be very successful to assist relaxation and sleep in the elderly. Both of these modalities have been used in nursing homes and have been found to assist not only sleep, but the general well-being of the patients.

Sleeping problems in the elderly should be thoroughly investigated before any medications are prescribed, unfortunately this is not always the procedure that is adopted. All too frequently prescriptions are written for potent sleeping drugs, for what has been described as insomnia by the elderly person. However, such is mostly not the case, but rather it's a normal change of the circadian rhythms which occurs as people age, this requires education, not medication.

Provided that there is no evidence of disease of the central nervous system, such as dementia, Parkinson's disease, post-traumatic brain damage, and chronic pain, then sleeping problems in the elderly are far better managed conservatively.

Symptoms and Treatment for Sleeping Problems

Everyone needs a minimum amount of sleep everyday and a lack of sleep can seriously affect our general health and, still many people don't get enough sleep due to some unknown problems. It is not so strange to see that many people spend enough time in their bed, just rolling over their body without actually sleeping. Sleep problems affect the lives of thousands of people across the globe; it is estimated that sleep problems and insomnia cause tremendous loss in lost man hours and total production.

Though it is very difficult to exactly pinpoint the reason for sleep problems, certain factors do affect the way in which we sleep. For example, general illness and its associated side effects can seriously impair our ability to sleep better. Work related stress and people with depression also complain about sleeplessness. On the lighter side, people who snore loudly can spoil other's sleep to a large extent! Breathing difficulties can also make your sleep interrupted by frequent disturbances.
There are many common symptoms which are associated with sleep problem like daytime irritability, lapses in concentration, loss of reasoning, short term memory loss and general tiredness. People with depression may display strange behavior while sleeping; it is so common to see some people with depression sleep very early, but only to wake up in the wee hours of the morning, unable to sleep again. On the other hand, many other depressed patients spend a lot of time in sleeping, sometimes for more than a day at a stretch. People who are suffering from depression usually need medical help to solve their sleep problems, as sleeplessness may further compound the problem.
There are several easy methods by which you can find a lasting cure for sleep problem. Some of them can be adapted by you, while a serious episode of sleep problem needs medical intervention. Generally sleep means undisturbed environment for your brain and constitution, so that they get enough rejuvenating time to heal and repair. Thus you may need to artificially create an environment suitable for undisturbed sleep. You may consider keeping the lights very low, so that your eyes are not hurt while sleeping. Lower your window blinds, turn down the volume of music and if possible wear eye cap, to ensure that you're creating a favorable condition for your body to produce a chemical called Melantoin, a naturally occurring sedative in your body.

If you want to find a cure for your sleep problem, develop a healthy habit of sleeping at the same time everyday preferably early in the night. Also make sure that you wake up at the same time everyday, just to maintain the body rhythm and a regular sleep pattern. Avoid drinking alcohol, coffee, tea and other intoxicating drinks before bed time, so that your brain is not stimulated to cause a loss of sleep. A hot bath or a shower just before bed time will relax you and your body, so that you can get a good night sleep.

Unwind yourself by doing a bit of stretch exercise or by listening to some cool music or even reading light humor. Some people do ingest a lot of sleeping pills, which is often very risky and highly detrimental to one's overall health. You may also turn obsessed with those little pills and become addicted to them. Sleep is a natural phenomenon; if you have sleep problems, always try and counter it in a natural way.

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